19 May 2000
Added a new painting, "Constant", to the demo
scene page.
12 May 2000
Looks like ftp.scene.org and their mirrors aren't carrying animations
anymore, including my Soil, so the file links on my animation
page are broken. I didn't notice this before, my apologies if anyone
has unsuccessfully tried to download the animation... I'll try to make
the 20 meg high quality version available somewhere, but in the meantime
I added a download link for a lower quality (9 meg) version that's been
residing on GFX Zone - thanks
to them for still carrying the file!
7 May 2000
Added a dog to the other graphics page,
and a link to the art chain for which it
was made - go have a look, it was a funny group project.
5 April 2000
Added two new images to the demo scene
page and moved the Contour credits images to the bottom
of the page. Also added a quick drawing to the other
graphics page, I thought it's sort of cute..? :)
25 March 2000
Added a new image, "Prince Bruno", to the demo scene page.
15 February 2000
Added two new images: an Issue logo on the demo scene page and a Demoscene.org
header graphic to the other graphics page.
2 January 2000
Added one more old handpixelled picture to demo scene page. Happy new
25 December 1999
Added link to Sunray disk
magazine on demo scene page, now that the mag is released.
16 December 1999
Pages created.